Dengue fever symptoms and treatment

Dengue fever symptoms and treatment

The number of dengue cases in Bangladesh is continuously increasing as compared to any time in the past. Dengue fever is caused by the bite of the Aedes mosquito, not by other mosquitoes. If a mosquito that bites an infected person bites another person, it can spread dengue to that person as well. However, if not caught in the early stages, dengue can reach fatal levels.

Dengue fever symptoms and treatment

Dengue fever symptoms and treatment

On the other hand, the corona epidemic is currently going on. So many people think it is corona virus when there is fever, but there may be possibility of dengue. In that case, know the symptoms of dengue without thinking…

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Common dengue fever:

1) Dengue fever can usually reach a fever of 105 degrees Fahrenheit. Also lots of headaches. Severe pain all over the body. Bones, joints and muscles of the body especially bones, waist, back are in severe pain. Severe abdominal pain may also occur.
2) Dengue fever causes severe pain especially behind the eyes. Sometimes the pain is so intense that the eyes become blurry.
3) Within 4 or 5 days of fever, a red rash appears all over the body, called a skin rash, much like an allergy or scratch.
4) Nausea and vomiting may also occur.
5) Patient feels excessive fatigue and loss of appetite.

Dengue fever symptoms and treatment

Dengue fever symptoms and treatment

Special type (hemorrhagic) dengue fever:

This stage is the worst stage of dengue fever. Apart from the common signs and symptoms of dengue fever, this fever has more complicated and dire symptoms. Namely:

1) Along with fever, body pain, bleeding starts from different parts of the body. For example, blood comes out from the nose and mouth. In addition, there may be blood accumulation under the skin, bleeding from the gums and teeth, bleeding with phlegm or hemoptysis. There may be fresh blood in the stool or black stools. Blood can also appear inside and outside the eye.
2) Hemorrhagic dengue fever can cause water in the chest, water in the stomach etc. Many times the liver is affected and the patient becomes jaundiced. In some cases, there is also evidence of complications such as renal failure due to kidney damage.
3) In women, symptoms like irregular menstruation or chronic bleeding may occur.

Shock syndrome:

The most severe form of dengue fever is dengue shock syndrome. Dengue hemorrhagic fever with circulatory failure leads to dengue shock syndrome. Its symptoms are sudden drop in blood pressure, very weak and fast pulse, cold hands and feet and other parts, decrease in urine etc. The patient may suddenly lose consciousness. Death may occur if consciousness is not regained quickly.

Difference between Corona and Dengue:

A medical expert professor of the country said that although both dengue fever and Covid-19 are viral diseases, there are some differences between the two.

Dengue fever symptoms and treatment

Even the same patient can have covid and dengue fever,
Both dengue and corona cause fever, sore throat, runny nose, cough and loss of taste.
However, in case of corona, there is no smell in the nose and some have slimy stool, which is not the case in case of dengue - said the professor
Apart from this, the professor mentioned that in case of coronavirus, there may be difficulty in breathing, which is not the case in case of dengue fever
Doctors say, in the case of dengue fever, after four to five days, the body may develop a red allergy-like rash. Then the level of platelets in the blood may decrease. In case of corona there is no red spot on the body.
Dengue fever can cause 'shock syndrome' which leads to death of the patient.
"There are some symptoms that require hospitalization. These include nosebleeds or black stools."
Dr. said, in case of severe dengue fever, women may experience high blood pressure or sudden menstruation during menstruation, which is not the case with corona.

Dengue fever symptoms and treatment

Dengue fever symptoms and treatment


There is no specific treatment for dengue fever. Although initially treated as a common fever, doctors treat hemorrhagic patients by understanding their symptoms. However, it is better not to take home remedies or home remedies without expert doctor’s advice. If the patient has black stools or bleeding from the nose or any part of the body, he must be admitted to the hospital. The hope is that 12 researchers and doctors in Bangladesh have found the success of ‘Ultrombopag’ drug after researching 101 dengue patients. They were given 25 mg of the drug.

One of the researchers, Associate Professor of Life Chemistry and Anupran Science Department of Dhaka University. Sajib Chakraborty said, “One of the symptoms of dengue disease is the decrease in blood platelets. But there

But killing the mosquito source and sleeping with a mosquito net is the most effective way to prevent dengue, say doctors.

Dengue fever symptoms and treatment

Dengue fever symptoms and treatment

What to do during dengue fever:

1) You can eat any food. But drink enough fluids along with regular meals. For example, apart from food saline, fresh fruit juice etc., canned water, rice starch, glucose, barley, milk, Horlicks, homemade soup etc. should be consumed.

2) Adequate rest should be taken to keep the body stress free. Even if the fever gets better, rest for another week.

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